ProGRESS brings you conversations direct from people working, living and learning in Green, Ethical, Sustainable and Socially Responsible ways (the GRESS of ProGRESS).
Every episode features a guest who explains how and why got where they are, and how to follow in their footsteps. Sometimes there are revelations and lightbulb moments and it's always an informative listen.
Whether you're starting out, mid-career, looking for a new direction or happy where you are, drop by to hear good stories and a few wise words to help you on your way.
Podcast host, journalist Sandra Kessell set up ProGRESS to provide an inspiring and entertaining listen to make the world a better, greener place.
Instagram: @progress_green_careers_podcast
Original content © Sandra Kessell
Original music © Lyze Kessell
Email: hello [@]