
The Truth Spectrum
Story of Determination
The second story to be uncovered in the Truth Spectrum Project is the one of Romana, about Ukraine. The story of determination.
Determination to have hope no matter what your nation is going through. And determination to spread it. Through volunteering, spreading awareness and sharing your story.
! The content is also available in the video format:
1:45 Part 1: Your story
17:30 Part 2: Global Dialogue
38:30 Part 3: Connecting to the cause
These parts of the interview are directly linked to the project's values: thoughtfulness, tolerance and creating synergy. Being thoughtful about stories of those around us, creating a dialogue based on tolerance and respect and creating synergy - connecting to those aspects of the story that resonate with us. By watching this interview you are already living these values. If you are interested in the cause Romana believes in, feel free to create further synergy using resources he recommended:
Ukraїner is an educational, multimedia Ukrainian studies project. Its materials are based on the socio-cultural expeditions results. Thus, it shares not only the news but also information about cultural traditions.
United 24 is a Ukrainian government-run platform that aims at spreading awareness about the ongoing war as well as shares opportunities where you can support Ukraine by donating.
Vitche is an association created by young Ukrainians in Germany. They organise protests and various cultural events, help refugees and organise humanitarian aid for Ukraine.
►Berlin Arrival Support
BAS is a network of volunteers that support refugees arriving at bus and train stations in Berlin.
►More about Romana’s commitment on their Instagram:
“We can be this loud voice that can change something”
#thetruthspectrum #globaldialogue #StoryofDetermination
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7. Episode 7: Story of Contribution
18:55||Ep. 7In this episode of The Truth Spectrum Project, we delve into the world of intercultural communication and volunteerism with Daria. She is a student at London Metropolitan University and shares her transformative experience volunteering with Refugee Week Greece. As part of one of her university courses in humanitarian architecture, she also gained firsthand experience in intercultural communication, empathy, and social justice. Her involvement highlights the power of integrating real-world experiences into education, fostering a deeper understanding of global issues and personal growth.✨ This interview is also available in podcast format:► YouTube: Part 1: Your story06:54 Part 2: Global Dialogue12:49 Part 3: Connecting to the causeThese parts of the interview are directly linked to the project's values: thoughtfulness, tolerance and creating synergy. Being thoughtful about stories of those around us, creating a dialogue based on tolerance and respect and creating synergy - connecting to those aspects of the story that resonate with us. By watching this interview you are already living these values. If Claire’s approach resonates with you, consider using the resources she mentions to deepen your involvement:► Refugee Week Greece:► Refugee Week:► Diversity United:► Amnesty International:►Global Citizen:► Daria's project related to urbanism:"So the experience had an equally important academic and social parts to it."#thetruthspectrum #Volunteering #StoryofContribution6. Episode 6: Story of Progression
25:55||Ep. 6The story we share in this episode of the Truth Spectrum Project is that of Claire, a dedicated volunteer who broadened her understanding of global issues through her work with Berlin Arrival Support in May 2022.In Claire's journey, volunteering is synonymous with progression. It embodies the forward momentum toward a unified goal, where giving time and resources helps create meaningful impact. Through her work with Berlin Arrival Support, Claire not only witnessed the profound effects of her actions but also contributed to the broader progress of understanding and empathy across cultures.✨ This interview is also available on YouTube: Structure:00:40 Part 1: Your story07:20 Part 2: Global Dialogue14:40 Part 3: Connecting to the causeThese parts of the interview are directly linked to the project's values: thoughtfulness, tolerance and creating synergy. Being thoughtful about stories of those around us, creating a dialogue based on tolerance and respect and creating synergy - connecting to those aspects of the story that resonate with us. By watching this interview you are already living these values. If Claire’s approach resonates with you, consider using the resources she mentions to deepen your involvement:► Berlin Arrival Support: ► Local Volunteering Opportunities: engage with your community to create meaningful change.► Educational Resources: enhance your understanding of global issues."Volunteering isn't just about giving; it's about growing, connecting, and progressing towards a better world."#thetruthspectrum #Volunteering #StoryofProgression5.2. Exploring TTS' values - Synergy, Part 2
18:11||Ep. 5.2In the second part of the 5th episode exploring Synergy, we're diving deep into this concept and how it can be harnessed to create positive change. We're joined by Elena Zervopoulou, the founder of Diversity United, an organization that exemplifies synergy in action by connecting diverse communities through art and culture. Elena shares her insights on the importance of diversity, the power of storytelling, and the transformative impact of collaboration. The content is also available on YouTube: Introduction07:30 Synergies Creation14:59 Importance of DiversityMore about Diversity United can be found on its social media:🌐Website:🌐Instagram:🌐Facebook: as a reminder:TTS stands not only for The Truth Spectrum - it is also:✨Thoughtfulness✨Tolerance✨SynergyOur core.We do not seek for solutions to global issues - only to everyday ones. Those that inevitably arise in a multicultural society. Those that can be tackled with no big effort but big commitment. Regular commitment.- Persistent choice to be 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗳𝘂𝗹 - interested in stories of those around us and at the same time considerate of their feelings. Having the truth we believe it but being open to the truth spectrum. Bearing the complexity of the world in mind and challenging single narratives.- Unparalleled choice to be 𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘁 - learning from opposing to your own beliefs, not condemning them. Only then can the inclusive environment where everyone feels seen, understood and valued be created.- Impactful choice to create 𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗴𝘆 - cooperate with people whose stories expand your truth spectrum. Engage in discussions with them and build a community that can make a lasting impact.These are choices [values] that led to The Truth Spectrum project creation and these are choices that can help you to build your own truth spectrum. We have explored the second one today and truly hope that it will help you to expand your truth spectrum!💫“With Diversity United, I strive to create synergies between people that seem a bit separated. It is about humanly connecting to each other and forgetting about what brings us apart.”#thetruthspectrum #globaldialogue #synergy5.1. Exploring TTS' values - Synergy, Part 1
18:54||Ep. 5.1In the first part of the 5th episode exploring Synergy our founder Anastasiia shares her volunteer experiences including how she came to volunteer and what volunteering means to her. She also talks about the importance of choosing an organization that you feel a true synergy with, and how volunteering can be a powerful way to make an impact on the world.The content is also available on YouTube: Introduction01:50 Definition of Synergy03:00 Volunteering as a Synergy03:58 Anastasiia's Volunteering Experiences11:28 How to Choose a "Volunteer Match"?14:38 Next Part Announcement📱My creator's diary on Instagram: / Just as a reminder:TTS stands not only for The Truth Spectrum - it is also:✨Thoughtfulness✨Tolerance✨SynergyOur core.We do not seek for solutions to global issues - only to everyday ones. Those that inevitably arise in a multicultural society. Those that can be tackled with no big effort but big commitment. Regular commitment.- Persistent choice to be 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗳𝘂𝗹 - interested in stories of those around us and at the same time considerate of their feelings. Having the truth we believe it but being open to the truth spectrum. Bearing the complexity of the world in mind and challenging single narratives.- Unparalleled choice to be 𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘁 - learning from opposing to your own beliefs, not condemning them. Only then can the inclusive environment where everyone feels seen, understood and valued be created.- Impactful choice to create 𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗴𝘆 - cooperate with people whose stories expand your truth spectrum. Engage in discussions with them and build a community that can make a lasting impact.These are choices [values] that led to The Truth Spectrum project creation and these are choices that can help you to build your own truth spectrum. We have explored the second one today and truly hope that it will help you to expand your truth spectrum!💫“Volunteering isn't just about giving back - it's about creating powerful synergies that benefit individuals, communities and lead to innovative solutions for a better world.”#thetruthspectrum #globaldialogue #synergy4. Exploring TTS' values - Tolerance
26:30||Ep. 4In our fourth episode Kety helps us explore the second value of TTS: Tolerance. Namely, why it is one of the underlying pillars of communication, especially in diverse contexts.►The content is also available on YouTube: Introduction05:50 The Notion of Tolerance18:57 Developing ToleranceJust as a reminder:TTS stands not only for The Truth Spectrum - it is also:✨Thoughtfulness✨Tolerance✨SynergyOur core.We do not seek for solutions to global issues - only to everyday ones. Those that inevitably arise in a multicultural society. Those that can be tackled with no big effort but big commitment. Regular commitment.- Persistent choice to be 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗳𝘂𝗹 - interested in stories of those around us and at the same time considerate of their feelings. Having the truth we believe it but being open to the truth spectrum. Bearing the complexity of the world in mind and challenging single narratives.- Unparalleled choice to be 𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘁 - learning from opposing to your own beliefs, not condemning them. Only then can the inclusive environment where everyone feels seen, understood and valued be created.- Impactful choice to create 𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗴𝘆 - cooperate with people whose stories expand your truth spectrum. Engage in discussions with them and build a community that can make a lasting impact.These are choices [values] that led to The Truth Spectrum project creation and these are choices that can help you to build your own truth spectrum. We have explored the second one today and truly hope that it will help you to expand your truth spectrum!💫“Tolerance is the key to having cultural equality as a dialogue condition in any discussion”#thetruthspectrum #globaldialogue #tolerance3. Exploring TTS' values - Thoughtfulness
30:53||Ep. 3In our third episode we are exploring the first of our project’s values: Thoughtfulness. Namely, why is it important to reflect on your experiences and information learned and how can it help you to create and expand your truth spectrum with regard to various global events.! The content is also available on YouTube: Structure:00:00 Introduction03:12 Importance of Reflection12:55 Part 1: “Reflection in my life”19:25 Part 2: Reflection during intercultural communication24:35 Part 3: Reflection within TTS and the tool that can help with itHere is the link to the checklist with potential questions you can ask yourself after listing to TTS interviews in order to engage in a deep learning and fully benefit from the material provided: as a reminder:TTS stands not only for The Truth Spectrum - it is also:✨Thoughtfulness✨Tolerance✨SynergyOur core.We do not seek for solutions to global issues - only to everyday ones. Those that inevitably arise in a multicultural society. Those that can be tackled with no big effort but big commitment. Regular commitment.- Persistent choice to be 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗳𝘂𝗹 - interested in stories of those around us and at the same time considerate of their feelings. Having the truth we believe it but being open to the truth spectrum. Bearing the complexity of the world in mind and challenging single narratives.- Unparalleled choice to be 𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘁 - learning from opposing to your own beliefs, not condemning them. Only then can the inclusive environment where everyone feels seen, understood and valued be created.- Impactful choice to create 𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗴𝘆 - cooperate with people whose stories expand your truth spectrum. Engage in discussions with them and build a community that can make a lasting impact.These are choices [values] that led to The Truth Spectrum project creation and these are choices that can help you to build your own truth spectrum. We have explored the first one today and truly hope that it will help you to expand your truth spectrum!💫“It is not about the quality of your insights but rather about the skill itself.”#thetruthspectrum #globaldialogue #thoughtfulness1. Story of Home
01:00:25||Ep. 1The first story to be uncovered in the Truth Spectrum Project is the one of Yauheni, about Belarus. The story of home.Home that brings you the feeling of belonging. Home which you love unconditionally. Home which you strive to improve. Home which you sometimes need to leave. And home Yauheni hopes one day to return to.! The content is also available on YouTube: Structure:1:44 Part 1: Your story20:12 Part 2: Global Dialogue50:21 Part 3: Connecting to the causeThese parts of the interview are directly linked to project’s values: thoughfulness, tolerance and creating synergy. Being thoughful about stories of those around us, creating a dialogue based on tolerance and respect and creating synergy - connecting to those aspects of the story that resonate with us. By watching this interview you are already living these values. If you are interested in the cause Yauheni believes in, feel free to create further synergy using resources he recommended:Organisations:►Viasna Viasna means Spring in Belarusian… Alès Bialiatski is its founding member who is a Belarusian pro-democracy activist and prisoner of conscience, who was awarded with Noble Peace Prize in 2022. Organitation supports political prisoners in Belarus and helps them once they leave the prison.►Politzek Organization encourages people to write letters to political prisoners so that they do not feel forgotten there. Not all letters are received since they are all getting filtered but the more you write the higher chances are that they will receive them. Documentaries:►Deutsche Welle ►DW Belarus (for Belarusian/Russian speakers) ►Film “Courage” about protests happening in Belarus in 2020 Authors:►Svetlana Alexievich (also a Noble Prize winner)►Viktar Martinowich"Everything is gonna be ok in the end and if it is not ok yet it means that we are not at the end yet”“But we have one another and can approach this end where everything is ok together”#thetruthspectrum #globaldialogueStory Behind the Truth Spectrum
08:20||Ep. 0It is within the darkest times when the most beautiful things can be born.I was wandering for a long time about the “why?”. Why do wars exist? Why so much negativity happened to me? Why do I have to live with so much pain? I did not know the answers but I knew that I should keep going despite all the troubles the Russian invasion of Ukraine brought into my newly built life in Germany… Day by day, little by little I was learning. Learning to overcome pain, learning to be patient, learning to be grateful, learning to offer and to accept help. And learning to be a global citizen.My experiences taught me about the fact that world is never black and white and I should not put people into boxes whenever I hear about their nationality. Being a part of multiple realities taught me to be more open to what others have to share and avoid fast conclusions. Wonderful insights were born within deep conversations about diverse topics I had with people around me. And I would often catch myself thinking: “I want more people to know about them! I want more people to hear these stories! These stories that contradict single narratives from the media and offer a unique perspective. These stories that create the full picture… These stories that can make our world more understanding and inclusive”.This is how the idea of The Truth Spectrum was born. Within the darkest times. And within greatest insights. Let’s build it together and learn to expand it.Welcome to our community!✨