
cover art for Here Be Media - Episode 39 - Scavenger's Reign (2023): How Space Exploration Leads Us Back to Ourselves w/ Nate

The Left Page & Here Be Media

Here Be Media - Episode 39 - Scavenger's Reign (2023): How Space Exploration Leads Us Back to Ourselves w/ Nate

Hello everyone!!

For our second HBM we'll dive into an animated sci-fi series that's weird, strange and very very interesting, we talk about Scavenger's Reign! And we won't do so alone, as we invited our great friend Nate along!

Join us as we discuss the challenges of being marooned in an alien moon, the inherent horror of capitalism in space, and how we must be open to engage with the environment and the world around us, and even then, we can't escape ourselves, our traumas, and our hopes.


And please support our Patreon if you're interested and want access to early content and the bonus Reading Corners!! Big things are coming!

Intro Music: Home, by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

Outro Music: Leve Palestina, Spartacus

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    01:55:26||Ep. 86
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