
Take Back the Fight
Anticapitalist, Antiracist and Decolonial Feminism
Ep. 11
In this episode, Nora talks about what feminism needs to be if it truly wants to end sexist patriarchy: anticapitalist, antiracist and decolonial.
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12. Feminist Futures
37:47||Ep. 12In this episode, Nora talks about what organizing could look like, especially as the need to confront the far right becomes more and more obvious.10. Feminists and power
39:42||Ep. 10In this episode, Nora talks about feminism and state power: what happens when self-described feminists get into power, and what role do feminists in the streets play in changing policy?9. Leadership
37:34||Ep. 9In this episode, Nora talks about leadership: what it means for movements, what it does to individuals and what feminists can learn from the far-right leader machine.8. Ad Hoc Feminism
38:46||Ep. 8In this episode, Nora talks about ad hoc organizing: from calling a rally to a focus solely on mobilizing, ah hoc feminism can be difficult, if not impossible to turn into a more organized and permenant movement. What does that mean for the demands that ad hoc feminism puts forward?7. Knowledge
37:24||Ep. 7In this episode, Nora explores knowledge: how mainstream knowledge warps understandings of what's possible, and how knowledge production and dissemination is key to the work of any social movement organization.6. Debates
45:45||Ep. 6In this episode, Nora talks about debates: why they're important, how they change us and how they ready us to bring ideas to a mass audience. She also talks about avoiding toxic social media debates and what happens when debates don't happen and people can self-declare that fascist ideology related to the gender binary is feminism.5. Social Movement Organizing
39:43||Ep. 5In this episode, Nora talks about social movements: what they are, what makes them effective and how neoliberalism has created something called the Not-For-Profit Industrial Complex.Episode transcript.4. The Digital Age
39:13||Ep. 4In this episode, Nora talks about how feminism has been shaped by the digital age. From blogs to #metoo, she examines the drawbacks of digital organizing and how we need to avoid the pitfalls.Episode transcript.