
cover art for A look inside Ross Noble’s Cranium of Curiosities

Shepp Happens with Nicola and Djembe

A look inside Ross Noble’s Cranium of Curiosities

Ep. 14

Ross Noble is coming to Shepparton with his new tour, so Djembe and Nicola had a chat with him to talk about all things comedy and regional tours.

Ross chats about his journey to comedy, what he loves about Australia, and his wildest fan interactions.

His tour Cranium of Curiosities will hit the Shepparton stage on Wednesday, April 30 from 8pm until 10pm.

Also, with lots of articles in The News recently about animal and plant viruses, the girls attempt to put conspiracy theories to bed.

Links to check out

For your tickets head to Ross Noble’s tour head to ⁠⁠⁠

Read about the tomato virus in Katunga here: ⁠⁠

Avarian influenza details here:⁠⁠

And what’s going on with JEV in a local piggery here: ⁠⁠

Got something to say?

Email: ⁠⁠⁠⁠

Instagram: ⁠⁠@Sheppnews⁠⁠

Tik Tok: ⁠⁠@Shepp.Happens⁠⁠

Shepp Happens is a McPherson Media Group production. Pictures by News photographer Megan Fisher, check out her Instagram at ⁠⁠@Meganfisherphotography⁠⁠

Music by Adem Shaholli. Check him out on Spotify at ⁠⁠Eyesareclosed⁠⁠ and Instagram at ⁠⁠@Eyezareclosed⁠⁠

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