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The Anj, Rob & Robbo Show

Your daily dose of news with views... and entertainment too! Ben Norris, Rob McKnight & David Robinson discuss the big stories of the day, interview Australia's biggest celebrities and bring you the latest in entertainment every Monday to Thur...

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  • 1. EP 183 - Breaking news on JonBenét Ramsey, Nick Bracks from Neighbours, Mel & Katie from Big Brother and Bruno!

    01:36:02||Season 1, Ep. 1
    It's our first weekly episode and we have overloaded the show with so much good content!- The Serial Killer Whisperer - Amanda Howard - joins us with some big news on the JonBenét Ramsey case- Mel and Katie from Big Brother reunite for the first time since the double-cross- Nick Bracks from Neighbours (and the son of former Victorian Premier Steve Bracks) talks about his mental health issues- The List King - Bruno Bouchet - brings us his reaction to The Daily Mail's sex survey- Jason Roses has all the entertainment news including Ellen DeGeneres leaving TV.All that and so much more as The Anj, Rob & Robbo Show streams live in your social media feed. Support this show

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  • 84. Episode 84: The new Oscars rule, Jo's movie news, and we tackle the tough topic of Veteran suicide Join us for Tipsy Thursday!

    59:13||Season 1, Ep. 84
    Episode 84: The new Oscars rule, Jo's movie news, and we tackle the tough topic of Veteran suicideJoin us for Tipsy Thursday! Support this show
  • 83. What does "defund the police" really mean, and The List King's next list!

    59:41||Season 1, Ep. 83
    We all set for another big episode talking hot button issues and bringing you interviews you won't see anywhere else! Support this show
  • 83. Episode 82: Guest host Johanna Griggs, more Dan Andrews critics, and Simon Price unmasked!

    58:50||Season 1, Ep. 83
    Get ready for a crazy episode with Joh Griggs from BETTER HOMES & GARDENS. Support this show
  • 81. Episode 81: The Block's Scott Cam, latest TV news, and hot button issues

    59:46||Season 1, Ep. 81
    The Block's Scott Cam, latest TV news, and Victoria's roadmap to reopening broken downWelcome to a brand new week of the Ben, Rob & Robbo Show! Support this show
  • 77. EP 77 What the hell just happened!

    58:24||Season 1, Ep. 77
    Welcome to a brand new week of the Ben, Rob & Robbo Show!This is a very weird show with a strange vibe in the air -- YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!Today we chat to a Swedish doctor who worked throughout the country's herd immunity undertaking - would he recommend it to other countries?Molk will also be with us to talk all things TV, and we will of course be chatting about the latest and hottest topics from around the world! Support this show

    59:22||Season 1, Ep. 76
    We have a huge show to end the week as we chat to true crime expert, Amanda Howard, about the Christchurch terror attack hearing. Jo Casamento will also be joining us will all the latest movie news, and we of course have our daily dose of hot topics to discuss and debate. Support this show