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The Shot Podcast

A Profound and Profane Podcast

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  • Farewell to All That

    Jo, Dave and Ronni ruminate on the good and mostly bad moments of 2024 and look forward to 2025, which brings a Federal Election but the release of Ronni’s debut novel, Gunnawah. Set in Riverina in 1974 as the Whitlam years are transforming Australia, Jo and Dave quiz Ronni on the inspiration behind the book and the complicated dangerous local politics of the time.

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  • "A Carefully Constructed Charade"

    Jo and Dave talk with Chair of Private Media, publisher of Crikey and author of The Men Who Killed the News Eric Beecher on the future of journalism, the fallout for the Murdochs of the Nevada “Project Harmony” decision and whether Rupert is an horrific narcissistic psychopath with the power of immortality.
  • Hanging the Parliament

    Jo and Ronni get enjoyably down in the weeds with George Megalogenis to discuss all matters electoral: the Albanese Government’s prospects for a second term, Dutton’s efforts to thwart them and the disruption of our political duopoly as outlined in George’s new Quarterly Essay, Minority Report: The New Shape of Australian Politics.
  • Democracy in Peril

    Jo and Dave talk to Zack Beauchamp, senior political writer at Vox and author of The Reactionary Spirit: How America’s Most Insidious Political Tradition Swept the World about the fragility of democracy and the autocratic agenda to destroy it from within.
  • Ethics Washing and Corporate (cancel) Culture

    Jo and Dave talk to lawyer and author Josh Bornstein about his book Working for the Brand, an analysis of how corporations force staff to uphold their “values” and “integrity” or face being sacked on one hand while they gleefully destroy the world on the other. And how much are we loving Blue Sky?
  • Robodebt: A Bureaucratic Hallucination

    Jo and Ronni speak with Rick Morton about his definitive account of the great Government shakedown that was Robodebt, the immensely readable Mean Streak, and speculate on how long National Anti-Corruption Commissioner Paul Brereton can cling on to his job.
  • Project Gaslight

    Jo and Dave are joined by Joel Jenkins of Bogan Intelligentsia to discuss how the world-beating concentration of Australia’s media - third behind only China and Egypt - leads to a desperately distorted image and narrative of the carnage in Gaza.