
cover art for #46 Heartland Podcast: Deborah Crowe & Fritz Henglein

Heartland Podcast

#46 Heartland Podcast: Deborah Crowe & Fritz Henglein

Ep. 46

At Heartland 2018, New Zealander and entrepreneur Deborah Crowe met with Danish professor of Computer Science Fritz Henglein. In front of a live audience in the festival’s Future Talks tent the two participants discussed the future of Blockchain.

Deborah Crowe is the founder of Isonomy that amongst other things develop technology to fight and prevent money laundering and terrorism. 

Fritz Henglein is a professor of Copenhagen University and he studies logic, algorithms and semantics in programming languages. 

In this conversation the two explain what Blockchain is – what can it already do and how are we going to use it in the future.

The conversation is moderated by tv-host and tech expert Nikolaj Sonne.

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