
The Peaceful Creatives Podcast
Four Quick Client Process Tasks That Can Save You Hours
Ep. 47
I'm sharing four tasks that you can add to your to-do list that can take anywhere between one and a couple of hours and will start saving you time straight away! We get so overwhelmed with creating our client process that often we don't even start, it gets left behind and we use more and more time on our processes. Let's get started and build your client process a bit at a time!
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74. Why Undercharging is Stealing Your Peace
25:06||Ep. 74In this episode, I’m diving into a conversation about pricing, but not in the way you might expect. This isn’t just about making more money. It’s about how undercharging impacts your energy, creativity, and day to day experience in your business.You’ll hear why pricing too low doesn’t just affect your income - it affects your confidence, your client relationships, and even your love for your work. I’m sharing how undercharging leads to overthinking, burnout, and resentment, and why raising your prices is about so much more than profit - it’s about creating a peaceful, sustainable business that actually feels good to run.If you’ve ever struggled with pricing or felt drained by your projects, this one’s for you!I'm booking 1:1 Breakthrough clients for April 2025 - Find out more and Apply HereI really hope you enjoy the episode! To hear more from me, you can sign up for my weekly email series, The Confident Creative Expert, below:Sign up for The Confident Creative ExpertI hope you enjoy today’s podcast and head to the links below to connect with me more:Follow Me On Instagram73. How I Quit Instagram & Stayed Booked Up
29:02||Ep. 73In this episode, I’m sharing the behind-the-scenes of how I pressed pause on Instagram - without the pressure, guilt, or fear of disappearing - and stayed booked up with dreamy clients in a peaceful schedule.You’ll hear why I made the decision, the unexpected benefits that came from it, and the strategies that kept my client work flowing without constantly showing up online. If you’ve ever felt trapped in the content hamster wheel or wondered if social media is truly essential for booking clients, this one’s for you!I'm booking 1:1 Breakthrough clients for April 2025! Apply to work with me hereI really hope you enjoy the episode! To hear more from me, you can sign up for my weekly email series, The Confident Creative Expert below:Sign up for The Confident Creative ExpertI hope you enjoy today’s podcast and head to the links below to connect with me more:Follow Me On Instagram72. Let's Stop Your Constant Overwhelm
26:52||Ep. 72In this episode, I’m sharing what helped me step out of the constant state of stress and start running my business with more ease, clarity, and control. If you’re feeling stretched too thin, always playing catch-up, or wondering if it ever gets easier… this one’s for you.Booked Not Busy is now closed until May! Join the waitlist here I really hope you enjoy the episode! To hear more from me, you can sign up for my weekly email series, The Confident Creative Expert below:Sign up for The Confident Creative ExpertI hope you enjoy today’s podcast and head to the links below to connect with me more:Follow Me On Instagram71. What Would I Do to Get Booked Up in 2025?
30:07||Ep. 71I've been booked up with dream clients in my business since 2017. But what would I do if I was starting right now? What would I focus on to go from stressed out, inconsistent and overworking to booked up peacefully?Booked Not Busy is open now! Join us here I really hope you enjoy the episode! To hear more from me, you can sign up for my weekly email series, The Confident Creative Expert below:Sign up for The Confident Creative ExpertI hope you enjoy today’s podcast and head to the links below to connect with me more:Follow Me On Instagram70. How to Make Your Creative Offer More Peaceful
27:02||Ep. 70Your offer is your bread and butter. Being in client delivery means that how you feel in your projects is usually how you'll feel in your business - so how do you make your offer more peaceful? What are the elements you can refine to make it work so much better for you? Let me share my best offer tweaks with you!I also share more about my group program Booked, Not Busy which is opening on the 5th February! Or join the waitlist here for early access and the Build Your Booked Up Offer Bonus 👀I really hope you enjoy the episode! To hear more from me, you can sign up for my weekly email series, The Confident Creative Expert below:Sign up for The Confident Creative ExpertI hope you enjoy today’s podcast and head to the links below to connect with me more:Follow Me On Instagram69. Burnt Out to Booked, Not Busy - My Experiences & Lessons
33:59||Ep. 69I'm sharing more about my experience with going from extremely burnt out to booked up with a peaceful, stress-free work week! In the decade I've been running my business, I've gone through so many cycles of burnout from overworking to feast & famine to undercharging. Not only do I talk about what my journey looked like, I'm sharing the tips to get out of that place intentionally.I also share more about my group program Booked, Not Busy which is opening on the 5th February! Join the waitlist here ✨I really hope you enjoy the episode! To hear more from me, you can sign up for my weekly email series, The Confident Creative Expert below:Sign up for The Confident Creative ExpertI hope you enjoy today’s podcast and head to the links below to connect with me more:Follow Me On Instagram68. How I Plan My Client Booking Schedule
26:02||Ep. 68Let me share exactly how I plan my booking schedule for creative clients in my design studio. Every year, I plan my entire booking schedule for the whole year and this process helps me reach my income goals, create more space in my schedule and keep my creative business peaceful.Is it just about the organisation? Nope! In this episode, I share how this booking schedule is a full strategy and the pieces of the strategy that most creatives miss out which is why they stay busy and unpeaceful.I also share more about my group program Booked, Not Busy which is opening on the 5th February! Join the waitlist here ✨I really hope you enjoy the episode! To hear more from me, you can sign up for my weekly email series, The Confident Creative Expert below:Sign up for The Confident Creative ExpertI hope you enjoy today’s podcast and head to the links below to connect with me more:Follow Me On Instagram67. Behind the Scenes of My "Unbrand" (& New Podcast Name Reveal!)
17:42||Ep. 67It's been a little while since you've seen me around here... but I'm back and the podcast has a brand new name! Wondering where The Daring Designers Podcast went? Well it's now The Peaceful Creatives Podcast and I can not wait to share more episodes.Why the name change? My own brand went through a big transformation at the end of 2024 in what I like to call my "unbrand"! Taking the two branches of my business and bringing them together to share all of the work I love to do. Get all of the behind the scenes of my thought process and then steps I went through to bring my unbrand to life!I really hope you enjoy the episode! To hear more from me, you can sign up for my weekly email series, The Confident Creative Expert below:Sign up for The Confident Creative ExpertI hope you enjoy today’s podcast and head to the links below to connect with me more:Follow Me On Instagram66. Building More Human-ness Into Your Business
17:35||Ep. 66Have you ever thought about how we as humans bring so much uniqueness to our businesses - our experiences, our successes, our failures, our skills and struggles, our goals and versions of success... Yet we're often given the same steps to follow to get to where we want to be.As a mentor (and as a designer!), I love to bring more human-ness into the businesses of the designers I work with and I'd love to share some of my favourite lessons that I have learnt as I've tried to build my business with myself as a key focus. All of the messiness included!I really hope you enjoy the episode! To hear more from me, you can sign up for my weekly email series, The Confident Creative Expert below:Sign up for The Confident Creative ExpertI hope you enjoy today’s podcast and head to the links below to connect with The Daring Designers Club more:Follow Me On InstagramJoin the Free Community