
cover art for Episode 92

Retro House Mixtape

Episode 92

Ep. 92

It's a shorter episode than usual this week but that doesn't mean you're missing out on much. There's nearly as many tunes packed into this set as there are in a normal length episode. 

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  • 117. Episode 117 - A Random Surprise Mix

    01:05:23||Ep. 117
    Hello there. How have you been? It's been a while hasn't it? I haven't dropped a new episode of Retro House Mixtape since before Christmas 2021. I've been on a bit of a break (and I kinda still am) but I had some time to throw a mix together this week so I figured "why not?". Get stuck in to some disco grooves, clubby shufflers and a few stone cold favourites of mine. Enjoy!
  • 116. Episode 116 - The Third (and final) Speed Garage Mixtape

    01:11:18||Ep. 116
    Boom! Out of the blue it's another episode of Retro House Mixtape and this week it's another 'Speed Garage' set. It's probably the last Speed Garage mixtape as I've pretty much burned through all the stand out SG tracks in my collection.  Don't forget to check my blog for the full track listing -
  • 115. Episode 115 - Retro House Bangers

    01:01:49||Ep. 115
    Oi Oi! Sorry it's been a while since the last episode but I've now got a new mix all ready to go. It's a set of tidy bangers, kicking off with some funky, garagey vibes before sliding into something a bit more driving and heavy. Hope you like it! Find me on Twitter via @retrohousemix or Instagram via @retrohousemixtape. 
  • 114. Episode 114 - Fatboy Slim 25th Anniversary Mix

    44:02||Ep. 114
    It's been 25 years this week since Norman Cook put out the Fatboy Slim debut album 'Better Living Through Chemistry'. I thought it would be interesting to put together a mix based on the tracks from the album. Not just a normal mix though, I've been diving into the tracks themselves to pull out loops and samples which are sprinkled through this DJ set. It's a little chaotic but then again that seems on theme when you're talking about Fatboy Slim.  
  • 113. Episode 113 - Right Here, Right Now

    01:03:46||Ep. 113
    I'm totally switching things up for this episode of Retro House Mixtape as we ditch the retro and dive into a mix of upfront house tunes. This is a mix of three parts as we journey from the bar, to the club and then end up with our hands in the air at the festival. 
  • 112. Episode 112 - Bank Holiday House Party

    01:14:13||Ep. 112
    I'm tapping into a funkier vein of House Music for this episode. Things kick off with a new release from Dave Lee and Horse Meat Disco. I'm very much breaking my own 'Retro House' rules here but this is a classy, timeless sounding tune and I couldn't resist. I also managed to finish with a classic from Frankie Knuckles which was apt seeing as it was recently Frankie Knuckles Day. Happy Frankie Knuckles Day everyone!
  • 111. Episode 111 - Bournemouth Summer Jam

    01:09:03||Ep. 111
    Seeing as it's August it felt like a good time to throw together some summer-tinged house tunes. Fitting in with the summer theme, it's worth noting the background image used in the cover artwork. It's a photo I took of lovely Bournemouth beach, just a stone's throw away from where I live (technically a stone throw and a half but you get the idea).
  • 110. Episode 110 - Retro TRANCE Mixtape

    01:06:13||Ep. 110
    It's time to switch things up on Retro House Mixtape with a new episode based round late 90's/early 2000's Trance bangers. Check it out for some hugely euphoric screamers that will undoubtedly lift your spirits. 
  • 109. Episode 109 - Third Year Anniversary Mix

    01:07:33||Ep. 109
    Retro House Mixtape is three years old! (give or take a day or two). Over the last three years that's a total of 2000+ online followers, clocking up 10,000+ listens over 109 episodes totalling approximately 5 days worth of recorded mixes. Whether you're a long time follower or a new listener dropping in for the first time, thanks for checking out and supporting the show.