
cover art for Episode 1 – Frank from New York

Interview with a schizophrenic

Episode 1 – Frank from New York

Frank was born and raised in Denver, Colorado and now resides in New York City. He is 32 years old and was first diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in 2011.

His website is and his Instagram is @pswinepresents

#schizophrenia #hallucinations #stigma

00:00:31: Introduction

00:00:57: Discussing Frank’s Diagnosis

00:04:01: Discussing Symptoms and Experiences

00:05:04: The Impact of Schizophrenia on Frank’s Life

00:05:57: Frank’s Spiritual Beliefs and Occupation as a Healer

00:08:08: Current State of Frank’s Psychosis Symptoms

00:10:38: Lifestyle as a Schizophrenic in New York

00:13:40: Relationship with Drugs and Mental Health

00:15:58: Views on the Future with Schizophrenia

00:17:16: Experience in New York and Connections with Communities

00:20:21: Changing the Perception of Schizophrenia

00:22:26: Past Use of Antipsychotics and Medication

00:23:56: Spirituality as a Tool for Understanding Schizophrenia

00:25:21: Schizophrenia rooted in spirituality

00:25:56: Discussing symptoms

00:26:35: Experiences with auditory hallucinations

00:27:09: Dealing with paranoid delusions

00:28:03: Conclusion and Farewell

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  • 56. Episode 56 - Sumit from India

    37:46||Season 3, Ep. 56
    Today we welcome Sumit from !ndia. Sumit has been experiencing psychosis & depression during his adult life. He feels it is linked with the stresses of his corporate career. He displays a reflective, philosophical outlook, and it was my privilege to hear his story.#schizophrenia #corporate #medicationMusic : Calm Binaural Meditation - Swedish Sound Therapy00:00:30 - 00:00:48: Introduction by Duncan, introduction of guest Sumit00:00:49 - 00:00:57: Sumit shares his location and brief introduction00:00:58 - 00:01:24: Duncan discusses his travel experience in India00:01:28 - 00:01:59: Sumit and Duncan talk about travel routes and experiences00:02:10 - 00:02:26: Discussion about Kashmir's current situation00:03:21 - 00:19:05: Sumit shares his mental health journey and experience with schizophrenia00:19:06 - 00:23:38: Duncan reflects on the challenges of paranoia and psychosis00:23:39 - 00:25:59: Sumit talks about the influence of internet information on his delusions00:26:03 - 00:29:22: Comparison between mental health support in India and the UK; importance of family support00:29:23 - 00:31:47: Sumit discusses his career, corporate stress, and future plans00:31:47 - 00:33:10: Conclusion and plans for future discussions00:33:11 - 00:34:19: Discussion about podcast format and distribution00:34:34 - 00:37:10: Closing theme music
  • Kendra - A discussion about sex & porn addiction

    42:58||Season 3
    Today we welcome Kendra, a therapist dealing with relationship issues due to Sex & Porn addiction. I feel this is increasingly relevant today, given its impact on the mental health of the global community. Kendra is based in North Carolina.#Sex #Porn #Addictionthehealinghearttherapycenter.comMusic: Prime Time - Martin Klem00:00:32: Introduction to the episode00:00:35: Welcoming Kendra00:00:38: Introducing Kendra's specialization00:00:44: Clarifying the episode's focus00:00:55: Discussion on sex and porn addiction's relevance00:01:07: Kendra and Duncan exchange greetings00:01:16: Weather conversation00:03:04: Moving to Scotland and its weather00:03:05: Kendra explains her profession and reason for contact00:04:56: Effects of sex and porn addiction on mental health00:05:40: Young generations and social skills00:07:19: Impact of the pandemic on younger generations00:10:05: Continuing challenges post-pandemic00:10:56: Society’s pressure to remain youthful00:12:08: Embracing individuality in modern society00:14:13: Link between sex and porn addiction and mental health00:15:06: Factors contributing to unhealthy sexual behaviors00:17:45: Understanding normal sexuality over a lifespan00:19:46: Societal judgments on sexuality00:20:16: Schizophrenia’s impact on relationships00:21:01: Kendra discusses her daughter’s mental health diagnoses00:22:27: Supporting and advocating for individuals with mental health struggles00:22:41: The unique gifts of those with mental health challenges00:23:11: The experience of being a service user00:23:38: Connecting with people with mental health conditions00:24:04: The need for love and understanding for disabled individuals00:24:48: The impact of societal norms on mental health00:25:16: Self-acceptance and self-love00:26:12: The influence of pornography on society00:28:40: The fantasy world of pornography00:29:56: Developing healthy coping skills00:30:52: The taboos around sex and pornography00:34:17: The isolation and disconnection tied to sex addiction00:35:02: Recreational sex and its consequences00:37:16: The effect of recreational sex on intimate relationships00:38:14: Conclusion and invitation to return to the podcast
  • 55. Episode 55 - Sarah from Arizona

    35:02||Season 3, Ep. 55
    We welcome 30-something Sarah from Arizona today. She has a schizoaffective - bipolar type diagnosis. We discuss her mental health journey with a particular focus on the importance of prioritising sanity and the dangers of medication.#schizoaffective #sanity #medicationMusic: 6th Third Eye Chakra Kundalini Breathing - 369******************************************* Duncan's links:** Amazon:** Homepage:** Youtube :** Patreon:*****************************************00:00:27: Introduction to the episode00:00:38: Introducing Sarah, the guest00:00:58: Discussing the weather in Arizona and Scotland00:01:44: Starting the interview with Sarah00:02:04: Sarah's earliest symptoms and childhood experiences00:03:27: Symptoms subside during adolescence00:05:03: Psychotic break and delusions in adulthood00:06:17: Researching symptoms and delusions00:07:11: Pursuing a career in tarot reading00:10:41: Realising psychosis and medication discussion00:14:19: Struggles with balancing spirituality and sanity00:17:18: Managing mental health with medication00:19:05: Personal beliefs and thought processes00:20:18: Introduction and initial discussion00:20:47: Struggles with delusions and intrusive thoughts00:21:20: The role of antipsychotics and accountability00:21:56: Side effects of antipsychotic medication00:22:22: Experience with Metformin00:23:54: Weight gain and its impact00:25:03: Considering new medication00:26:35: Challenges with weight loss on antipsychotics00:27:07: Long-term acceptance and common struggles00:27:41: Conclusion and plans to catch up00:27:56: Binaural beats for soothing the mind00:28:19: Final thoughts and goodbyes
  • Season 3, Books & Binaural Beats

    23:25||Season 3
    Welcome to another solo episode. Duncan talks about Season 3, his books and his new therapy of pure high frequency binaural beats.Wisdom of a schizophrenic: of a schizophrenic: gain of a schizophrenic: notes Vol 1: notes Vol 2: Beats: #awareness #activismMusic: Blue Asparagus - TAGE00:00:30: Introduction to the episode00:00:43: Season three overview00:01:30: Format of season three and its focus00:03:20: Previous guest: Ben Benjamin00:04:28: Personal beliefs and perspectives on life00:05:17: Preference for calm and honest conversations00:05:31: Discussion of published books00:07:01: First book: Wisdom of Schizophrenic00:07:25: Second book: Way of a Schizophrenic00:08:02: Third book: Weight Gain of a Schizophrenic00:09:24: Impact of medication and daily life00:11:01: Importance of understanding schizophrenia00:12:58: Upcoming book: War of the Schizophrenic00:13:52: Additional published works00:15:12: Use of binaural beats for mental health00:16:46: Medication for diabetes00:17:26: Future guest interviews and feedback00:18:28: Use of AI tool for transcripts00:19:00: Closing remarks and future plans
  • 54. Episode 54 - Ben Part 4

    46:07||Season 3, Ep. 54
    Ben has returned for another episode. We discuss medication and the effects of schizophrenia as a child. We touch on the wider aspects of humanity including life on Mars.#medication #schizoaffective #projectstargateMusic: Gamma Sines - Rocket Noise******************************************* Duncan's links:** Amazon:** Homepage:** Youtube :** Patreon:*****************************************00:00:01: Introduction to the episode00:00:12: Welcoming Benjamin back to the show00:00:22: Discussing Benjamin's diagnosis and previous episodes00:00:49: Brief update about Benjamin's current life and work00:03:31: Talking about recovery and dealing with schizophrenia00:04:08: Stigma of schizophrenia and media portrayal00:05:12: Starting conversation regarding medication00:08:44: Talking about medication adjustment and working with psychiatrist00:09:41: Discussing patient-doctor relationship and the importance of being vocal00:11:30: Discussing physical side effects of medication00:13:16: Conversation about body weight and eating habits00:15:17: Sharing about pre-diagnosis experiences as a child suffering from schizophrenia00:17:16: Discussing how schizophrenia manifested during Benjamin's childhood00:19:44: Challenges of diagnosing schizophrenia in children00:20:27: Recalling possible hallucinations and psychosis episodes from childhood00:21:44: Comparing childhood and current-day hallucinations.00:22:08: Discussing the diagnosis of Schizophrenia00:23:04: Role of triggering events in the onset of Schizophrenia00:24:16: Discussion on the concept of triggering events in Schizophrenia00:26:23: Living with Schizophrenia00:27:05: Coping mechanisms for Schizophrenia00:28:02: Spiritual contributions of those with Schizophrenia00:29:40: Discussing theories about human origins and evolution00:31:01: The connection between Schizophrenia and other energies00:32:00: Exploring Schizophrenia from a perspective of nature and Shamanism00:33:00: Conversations around ancient civilization on Mars00:34:23: Exploring the possibility of humans being from another planet00:36:19: The connection between spirituality and mental health00:39:20: Understanding enlightenment00:42:23: Realizations of mortality and the importance of making the world a better place00:43:06: Closing the conversation and choosing binaural beats.
  • 53. Episode 53 - Frank Part 3

    41:13||Season 3, Ep. 53
    We welcome back Frank today. He was my first ever Guest, and is always interesting. We talk about his Paranormal Tour of America. Frank is creating a Youtube channel journalling his experiences.Frank's Website: #paranormal #psychosisMusic: Binaural Alpha - Syntropy******************************************* Duncan's links:** Amazon:** Homepage:** Youtube :** Patreon:*****************************************00:00:30: Introduction00:01:16: Frank's Background & Arrival00:01:36: Discussing Frank's Mental Health00:02:45: Coping Mechanisms & Tools00:03:23: Importance of Artwork for Frank00:04:17: Embarking on New Projects & Travel Adventures00:05:12: Frank's New YouTube Channel00:06:07: Discussing Paranormal Activities at Bobby Mackey's Music World00:08:12: Relation Between Paranormal & Schizophrenia00:10:55: Visit to Bobby Mackey's Music World: Discoveries & Interpretations00:13:49: Discussion on Protection from Negative Energies00:19:22: Frank's Understanding of Synchronicities in Psychosis00:22:57: Impact of Locality on Mindset & Energy00:24:10: Explanation of Energy Vibrations00:25:19: Discussion on low vibrational energy and near death experiences00:26:19: Howard Storm's near death experience00:27:13: Encountering spirits and concept of low vibrational spirit planes00:28:06: Stories of encountering trapped spirits00:29:19: Discussion on current low vibration and importance of caring for our energetic bodies00:30:43: Importance of clarity and understanding when dealing with lower vibrational frequencies00:31:33: Observations on ancient high vibrational creations like standing stones and pyramids00:33:18: Significance of the internet in exploring and understanding paranormal phenomena00:35:55: Closure of current discussion with an invitation for further exploration on UFOs and NDEs00:36:36: Closing remarks and reference to Frank's YouTube channel00:37:54: Mention of binaural beats in the podcast outro.
  • 52. Episode 52 - Georgie Part 2

    29:05||Season 3, Ep. 52
    We welcome back Georgie for a second episode. Today we talk more deeply about her experiences with hallucinations. Hearing voices is a common symptom for people with schizophrenia, and it is still very much misunderstood.#hallucinations #rehab #schizophrenia******************************************* Duncan's links:** Amazon:** Homepage:** Youtube :** Patreon:*****************************************00:00:00: Introduction and Welcome00:01:51: Georgie starts to share her backstory00:02:22: Understanding misconceptions about hallucinations00:03:14: Emergence of voices and feeling a spiritual connection00:04:07: The impact of voices on Georgie's life00:06:29: Georgie's addiction and rehab experience00:09:48: Shift to isolation and implications on mental health00:11:13: Delving into Georgie's Schizophrenic Delusions00:12:05: Hospitalization, Diagnosis, and Medication.00:16:27: Struggle with diagnosis and returning to shared reality00:18:36: Importance of diet and exercise in mental health00:20:27: Embarrassment Georgie feels towards her hallucinations00:24:57: Looking into the future, moving away from a spiritual path.26:34: Personal Reflections and Overcoming Challenges27:00: Discussion on Exercise and Care for Elderly Mother27:56: Sharing Personal Stories and Hallucinations Experience28:30: Closing Remarks and Future Plans
  • 51. Episode 51 - Ben Part 3

    41:13||Season 3, Ep. 51
    We welcome Ben back today. Ben is from the USA, and has had an interesting history and is currently working as a counsellor. Today we had a freestyle wide ranging discussion about life, which is a new aspect for Season 3.#schizoaffective #education #gazaMusic : Koan I (Theta 5 Hz) - Syntropy******************************************* Duncan's links:** Amazon:** Homepage:** Youtube :** Patreon:*****************************************00:00:30: Introduction to the episode00:00:36: Welcoming the guest, Benjamin00:01:11: Background details of Benjamin00:01:33: Start of the discussion about psychosis00:02:08: Benjamin's life updates00:02:23: Benjamin's new internship experience00:03:04: Reminders of addiction and struggles00:03:24: The importance of giving back to the community00:04:31: The impact of Podcasting for schizophrenia00:06:13: Starting off with Questions for Benjamin00:06:44: Discussing paranormal experiences00:08:01: Exploring the idea of precognition00:08:27: The concept of a third consciousness00:09:47: Talking about influencing spirit00:10:08: Benjamin's views on good and bad spirits00:13:40: Criticizing the western education system00:14:30: Discussing ancient history and its comparison to modern life00:16:04: Talking about the importance of teaching emotions00:18:03: Importance of feeling the situation00:18:58: Discussing the benefits of mathematics and logical thinking00:20:03: Importance of conquering fear00:21:46: Discussing the necessity of soft skills over hard subjects like calculus00:22:30: The struggles of teenage years and benefits of psychology.00:23:05: Discussing bullying and societal norms00:24:33: Discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict00:25:20: Discussing the Russia-Ukraine situation00:26:41: Discussing the disappearance of Kate Middleton00:30:25: Discussing the dependency on technology and the internet00:33:03: Discussing the decline of quality on Reddit00:34:39: Discussing the uniqueness of schizophrenic thinking00:35:48: Conclusion and plans for next episode
  • 50. Episode 50 - Georgie

    27:36||Season 3, Ep. 50
    We welcome Generation X Georgie today. From Australia, Georgie gives her background to her psychosis. From battling substance misuse to the metaphysical and nature of death and reality, we hear a valuable story.#neardeathexperience #substancemisuse #chakras******************************************* Duncan's links:** Amazon:** Homepage:** Youtube :** Patreon:*****************************************00:00:05: Introduction and welcoming Georgie00:00:44: Georgie's mental health journey begins00:02:26: Georgie's battle with anorexia00:03:01: Substance abuse and recovery00:03:54: Georgie's life in the00:07:11: Georgie's struggle with depression and anxiety00:08:37: Beginning of psychosis00:10:08: Attempted suicide and near-death experience00:13:56: Georgie starts to meditate and opens her chakras00:18:04: Georgie begins hearing voices00:20:35: Belief in reincarnation and dealing with life events00:23:04: Belief in communication with beings in another dimension00:26:23: Wrapping up part one and planning for part two.