
Mass Awakening
Predictions for 2024 and the coming 20 years
In this video, I provide a summary of the predictions that I gathered from multiple sources for my last article Is Earth a Game. The predictions are for 2024 and the next 20 years, including predictions about the shift in consciousness, the current systems, the next generations. Enjoy and please share far and wide.
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Why Is the World So Chaotic?
04:44|#2024 #chaos #redpillIn this podcast, I explain why we witness so much chaos at the moment, including new sources, and advanced technologies.This video is for entertainment purposes only.Please tune in.Sorry for misnaming Kimberly Palm at the end of the video.Kimberly Palm by Nevzat Öztürk: site: to buy the book: a Patron: Social Media:Telegram: podcast: Coming U.S. Election and about November-December 2024
03:51|#2024 #2025 #prepperThis is a very short video about the U.S. elections and about November-December of this year and onwards.Interview on the Other Side of Midnight with Noam Laden
50:18|#radioshowOn July 31, 2024, I had a very unique and surprising opportunity as I was asked to be interviewed on a coast to coast radio show in the U.S. and also answer to listeners' questions. In this interview, I was asked whether Joe Biden is the real Biden, whether Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia is the real Putin that we think he is or led to believe. Moreover, I was asked about who committed the October 7 horrific massacre last year (2023), as well as share bombshell information about the plans for another plandemic. The interview starts at 17:00 minute mark. So please tune in here: Really Happened on October 7 - Interview with Jason Shurka
31:38|#israel #intelupdateAs I promised you, please watch my recent interview with Jason Shurka where I discussed the context of the massacre of October 7, provided some commentary and intel on what else happened then and is not reported almost anywhere.AN UPDATE ABOUT AN EXCLUSIVE SERIES
05:36|#massawakening #thegreatawakening #redpill #newsupdatesUpdate about an exclusive series about the mass awakening of humanity and brief commentary for contributors here: ON THE MASS AWAKENING AND TRUMP SPACE FORCE - IMPROVED SOUND
15:38|In this video, I'm going to provide you an update about the mass awakening of humanity worldwide and how Trump's Space Force accelerates It. I'm re-sharing the video discussing the latest manifestations of the great awakening of humanity globally and Trump space force which helps accelerate it with improved sound. I removed the background noise.If you enjoy the content that I’m sharing and would like me to continue please contribute to my Patreon. You can support my work with $5, $10 and it means a lot to me. Thanks! Please like, share, and hit the bell to subscribe to this channel.The book is available for purchase at Media: Twitter: Facebook: : info: Great Awakening Has Gone Mainstream
12:20|#thegreatawakening #redpill #massawakeningIn this video, I show how the mass awakening of humanity is manifesting and how the MSM is losing compared to alternative platforms and sites. You can also watch the video here: & the Antidote to it
25:02|#CBDC #15MinuteCities #15MinuteCity #CarbonCredits #ClimateScam #BankingCrisis #bitcoin #cashlesssociety #digitalID #theGreatResetIn this video, I’m going to explain what CBDC is, how it differs from other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum and why we need to be concerned about this currency. Was Bitcoin created by the “deep state”? How is the rollout of CBDC connected to Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, 15-minute cities, and digital IDs? Watch here.As my last article about the CBDC is packed with important information and references, I urge you to click the link below this video to the article and read it here: by Karolina Grabowska: