
The 2000 AD Thrill-Cast
The Best Comic You're Not Reading? This is 2000 AD: The Deep Dive!
BRAND NEW SHOW! Every month, Steve Morris is joined by a guest – critic, academic, creator, fan – to discuss a series or character from the archives of 2000 AD, exploring the characters and story, uncovering its context, and finding out what makes it tick.
This month, Steve is joined by journalist, critic and podcaster Sara Century to chat about The Out by Dan Abnett and Mark Harrison. Cyd Finlea is a photo-journalist working for the publishers Neographic. It has been a decade since she left Earth and travelled to into the deepest reassesses of outer space – otherwise known as THE OUT. Her encounters include meetings with strange alien societies and ex-pat humans, an experience that she shares with her trusty sentient backpack… This exciting new series comes from writer Dan Abnett (Guardians of the Galaxy) and features the inventive visuals of Mark Harrison.
The first collection of The Out is available from all good book and comic book stores, as well as online and from the 2000 AD webshop, and digitally from the 2000 AD webshop and app!
Broadcasting the second Saturday of every month, 2000 AD: The Deep Dive heads into the archive of the Galaxy's Greatest Comic to explore forgotten classics and hidden gems! Discover your new favourite comic with our fantastic new monthly show!
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What's the Ultimate Future Shock? – In Orbit Every Wednesday
35:36|They're one of 2000 AD's defining series – one-and-done stories with a sting in the tail, in as few as two pages! But what's the ultimate Future Shock? This week, Molch-R and KLO-E picks their favourites from the series that helped establish and hone groundbreaking talents such as Alan Moore and Grant Morrison!Hosted by 2000 AD Brand Manager Michael ‘Molch-R’ Molcher and comics critic and creator of The Gutter Review, Chloe ‘KLO-E’ Maveal, In Orbit Every Wednesday from the 2000 AD Thrill-Cast goes live every Wednesday with the latest news about 2000 AD and Rebellion’s new comics, exciting special guests, and chat about the sheer love of comics! At half an hour per episode, IOEW is perfect listening for your commute, burning through your chores, or when you’re just getting your day started. Subscribe now on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your favourite podcast app!Subscribe on SpotifySubscribe on Apple PodcastsDownload the 2000 AD appGet FREE COMICS to download when you subscribe to the 2000 AD newsletterGot a theme or interview you’d like to hear? Let us know at thrillcast@2000AD.comMeet 2000 AD's gay vampire exorcist – 2000 AD: The Deep Dive
35:45|2000 AD: The Deep Dive returns with a flourish, a mint julip, and a quick nap before dinner – it's 2000 AD's own gay vamire exorcist, Devlin Waugh!This month, ST33V is joined by critic, academic and podcaster Anna Peppard to chat about this charming occult investigator, worldwide celebrity, and full-time vampire, who was one of the first openly gay characters in British comics. The invention of writer John Smith (Indigo Prime) and artist Sean Phillips (Criminal), Devlin is best described as a mix of Noel Coward and Arnold Schwarzenegger, he is a witty and verbose character, who tracks down rare art pieces in between dispensing justice on otherworldly and demonic foes. He enjoys both body-building and flower arranging, and is one of the most famous (and lusted-after) gay celebrities in the world.Three collections of classic Devlin are available from all good book and comic book stores, as well as online and from the 2000 AD webshop, and digitally from the 2000 AD webshop and app!Broadcasting the second Saturday of every month, 2000 AD: The Deep Dive heads into the archive of the Galaxy's Greatest Comic to explore forgotten classics and hidden gems! Discover your new favourite comic with our fantastic new monthly show!Subscribe on SpotifySubscribe on Apple PodcastsDownload the 2000 AD appGet FREE COMICS to download when you subscribe to the 2000 AD newsletterGot a theme or interview you’d like to hear? Let us know at thrillcast@2000AD.comDid Sláine: The Horned God Change Comics? – In Orbit Every Wednesday
35:29|It's time to WARP SPASM! In our latest episode, Molch-R & KLO-E discuss how Pat Mills & Simon Bisley's late '80s epic Sláine: The Horned God launched a global superstar and changed comic books forever!Buy the Sláine: The Horned God Anniversary Edition here.Hosted by 2000 AD Brand Manager Michael ‘Molch-R’ Molcher and comics critic and creator of The Gutter Review, Chloe ‘KLO-E’ Maveal, In Orbit Every Wednesday from the 2000 AD Thrill-Cast goes live every Wednesday with the latest news about 2000 AD and Rebellion’s new comics, exciting special guests, and chat about the sheer love of comics! At half an hour per episode, IOEW is perfect listening for your commute, burning through your chores, or when you’re just getting your day started. Subscribe now on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your favourite podcast app!Subscribe on SpotifySubscribe on Apple PodcastsDownload the 2000 AD appGet FREE COMICS to download when you subscribe to the 2000 AD newsletterGot a theme or interview you’d like to hear? Let us know at thrillcast@2000AD.comHappy birthday, 2000 AD! – In Orbit Every Wednesday
32:27|Celebrating 48 years of Thrill-power with a broken mic, a bad hat, and a lovely cat – Molch-R & KLO-E are back with another episode of In Orbit Every Wedensday! It's 48 years since 2000 AD first landed on shelves, so the gruesome twosome discuss when they first started reading The Galaxy's Greatest Comic, when to jump on, and why you should never try to make your own party hat...And apologies for the sound quality ths week, it's all Molch-R's fault!Hosted by 2000 AD Brand Manager Michael ‘Molch-R’ Molcher and comics critic and creator of The Gutter Review, Chloe ‘KLO-E’ Maveal, In Orbit Every Wednesday from the 2000 AD Thrill-Cast goes live every Wednesday with the latest news about 2000 AD and Rebellion’s new comics, exciting special guests, and chat about the sheer love of comics! At half an hour per episode, IOEW is perfect listening for your commute, burning through your chores, or when you’re just getting your day started. Subscribe now on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your favourite podcast app!Subscribe on SpotifySubscribe on Apple PodcastsDownload the 2000 AD appGet FREE COMICS to download when you subscribe to the 2000 AD newsletterGot a theme or interview you’d like to hear? Let us know at thrillcast@2000AD.comA Valentine to Judge Dredd?! – In Orbit Every Wednesday
34:37|Valentine's Day may have passed, but love is in the air on the latest In Orbit Every Wednesday as Molch-R & KLO-E delve into 2000 AD Prog 2420 and Judge Dredd Megazine #477 and talk Devlin Waugh, Judge Dredd, romance, love and s*x in the Big Meg.Hosted by 2000 AD Brand Manager Michael ‘Molch-R’ Molcher and comics critic and creator of The Gutter Review, Chloe ‘KLO-E’ Maveal, In Orbit Every Wednesday from the 2000 AD Thrill-Cast goes live every Wednesday with the latest news about 2000 AD and Rebellion’s new comics, exciting special guests, and chat about the sheer love of comics! At half an hour per episode, IOEW is perfect listening for your commute, burning through your chores, or when you’re just getting your day started. Subscribe now on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your favourite podcast app!Subscribe on SpotifySubscribe on Apple PodcastsDownload the 2000 AD appGet FREE COMICS to download when you subscribe to the 2000 AD newsletterGot a theme or interview you’d like to hear? Let us know at thrillcast@2000AD.comWhat are the best Judge Dredd horror stories? – In Orbit Every Wednesday
34:39|Putting the dread into Judge Dredd – this week on In Orbit Every Wednesday we're talking horror with our special guest – artist on Judge Dredd: The Shift, Nick Percival!He talks to Molch-R and KLO-E about his new Judge Dredd story with writer Ken Niemand, why Dredd works with horror, and what the best horrific Judge Dredd stories are.Hosted by 2000 AD Brand Manager Michael ‘Molch-R’ Molcher and comics critic and creator of The Gutter Review, Chloe ‘KLO-E’ Maveal, In Orbit Every Wednesday from the 2000 AD Thrill-Cast goes live every Wednesday with the latest news about 2000 AD and Rebellion’s new comics, exciting special guests, and chat about the sheer love of comics! At half an hour per episode, IOEW is perfect listening for your commute, burning through your chores, or when you’re just getting your day started. Subscribe now on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your favourite podcast app!Subscribe on SpotifySubscribe on Apple PodcastsDownload the 2000 AD appGet FREE COMICS to download when you subscribe to the 2000 AD newsletterGot a theme or interview you’d like to hear? Let us know at thrillcast@2000AD.comWho are 2000 AD's most underrated? – In Orbit Every Wednesday
37:40|Which 2000 AD creators don't get their due? On the latest episode of In Orbit Every Wednesday, Molch-R & KLO–E discuss their picks for who they think deserves more of the limelight in the history of the Galaxy's Greatest Comic.Hosted by 2000 AD Brand Manager Michael 'Molch-R' Molcher and comics critic and creator of The Gutter Review, Chloe 'KLO-E' Maveal, In Orbit Every Wednesday from the 2000 AD Thrill-Cast goes live every Wednesday with the latest news about 2000 AD and Rebellion’s new comics, exciting special guests, and chat about the sheer love of comics! At half an hour per episode, IOEW is perfect listening for your commute, burning through your chores, or when you’re just getting your day started. Subscribe now on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your favourite podcast app!Subscribe on Spotify on Apple Podcasts the 2000 AD app FREE COMICS when you subscribe to the 2000 AD newsletter a theme or interview you’d like to hear? Let us know at thrillcast@2000AD.comWhat are Judge Dredd's most villainous moments? - In Orbit Every Wednesday
40:25|What are Judge Dredd’s most villainous moments? When’s the Lawman of the Future been the biggest ****? Writer Rob Williams is our special guest on the latest episode of In Orbit Every Wednesday – the NEW weekly podcast from 2000 AD. Molch-R and KLO-E host the co-writer of Judge Dredd: A Better World, the critically-acclaimed Dredd story that’s out this week in collection, and chat about the times that Dredd has been the ‘Bad Guy’. Plus, they talk about their highlights from this week’s Prog, from the art on Dredd and The Out to the sword ’n’ sorcery of Hawk the Slayer!And let us know what you think of the potential Thrill-power klaxon! (Molch-R thinks he’s nailed it!)Hosted by 2000 AD Brand Manager Michael 'Molch-R' Molcher and comics critic and creator of The Gutter Review, Chloe 'KLO-E' Maveal, In Orbit Every Wednesday from the 2000 AD Thrill-Cast goes live every Wednesday with the latest news about 2000 AD and Rebellion’s new comics, exciting special guests, and chat about the sheer love of comics! At half an hour per episode, IOEW is perfect listening for your commute, burning through your chores, or when you’re just getting your day started. Subscribe now on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your favourite podcast app!Subscribe on Spotify on Apple Podcasts the 2000 AD app FREE COMICS when you subscribe to the 2000 AD newsletter a theme or interview you’d like to hear? Let us know at