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The Doula & The Doc

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  • 11. NICU After Birth And A Rare Blood Disorder Haemolytic Disease Of The Newborn

    01:02:50||Season 1, Ep. 11
    This week we have a very special guest, one of The Modern Doula's closest friends, Ania Mineo, talking about her own personal experience of having two out of her three births with a rare blood disorder and one of her babies be in the special care unit for 6 weeks post birth.Ania opens up about all of her pregnancy experiences from miscarrying, the emotional rollercoaster you go on after a miscarriage, the spiral of questions you ask yourself if you could have prevented it from occurring, her first birth being a completely normal birth to her next two births being both high risk.It wasn't until the 7 week mark of her second pregnancy that Ania found out there was something not quite right, anti E blood disorder where her blood had built antibodies that thought the baby's blood was harmful. It was most likely from a pass of blood in her first pregnancy that then caused her blood to build a defence mechanism. It wasn't until her third birth where this rare condition, haemolytic disease of the newborn, became quite serious and potentially fatal for her third born.Ania candidly speaks having a child in NICU, the rare blood condition and the tools that helped her through.For more see our facebook community page The Modern Doula@Vanessa.salerno_doula@Themoderndoula_podcastProudly brought to you by @Chemistwarehouseaus
  • 10. Frequently Asked Questions about Pregnancy, Birth and Doula Things

    55:29||Season 1, Ep. 10
    Today is a solo ep, just me and we cover the whole spectrum form preconception to birth in our frequently asked questions. We chat vaginal births, tips for natural pain relief during labour, IVF and infertility, going from one child to two, the first trimester and how to even become a doula plus so much more. All things you have asked me we cover. For more see our facebook community page The Modern Doula@Vanessa.salerno_doula@Themoderndoula_podcastProudly brought to you by @Chemistwarehouseaus
  • 9. A Dad's Experience of Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum with a Doula

    50:28||Season 1, Ep. 9
    Dad's don't often get much attention when it comes to pregnancy, birth and postpartum. It's the first generation where Dads are a part of the birthing experience and this week I chat to Nick and Britt, one of my birth couples, but in particular Nick. We look at birth and postpartum from a Dad's perspective, finding your confidence especially as a first time Dad and the informative process of having both a birth and postpartum doula. Interestingly we also share a few tips of how to introduce your pets to your child. The second half we are joined by Britt who opens up about why she chose to have a doula as a part of her pregnancy and postpartum, insight of what it's like having a doula and what type of people might benefit from the skills a doula brings to the whole experience. For more see our facebook community page The Modern Doula@Vanessa.salerno_doula@Themoderndoula_podcastProudly brought to you by @Chemistwarehouseaus
  • 8. Freezing Your Eggs Solo, Endometriosis and Listening To Your Body

    59:00||Season 1, Ep. 8
    This weeks episode is with the beautiful Elise Stapleton who works in the fertility industry but we chat about her personal experience of suffering from endometriosis and freezing her eggs at the age of 30. Elise runs through her whole experience of egg freezing, retrieval and doing it by yourself. In 2022, because of Elise’s prior diagnosis of endometriosis she thought it was coming back, the doctors thought it was endo in the bowel however after surgery it wasn’t endo, it turned out to be cancerous tumour. This is Elise inspiring story of listening to your body. For more see our facebook community page The Modern Doula@Vanessa.salerno_doula@Themoderndoula_podcastProudly brought to you by @Chemistwarehouseaus
  • 7. Identity, Motherhood and Finding Yourself After Children

    49:02||Season 1, Ep. 7
    When women become mothers our identity shifts, we tend to pigeon hole ourselves as just “mums” and can easily lose our own sense of self and our identity. In this episode we speak to the beautiful Julia Mendola about her experience of motherhood, being a single mum, finding herself again and the importance of reflection and looking back for parents. It all goes in a flash.Every parenting situation and journey is unique and I feel privileged we have this platform where we can explore parenting and share insights that may be helpful for you. I have known Julia for about 8 years and having this open conversation I was able to connect and learn even more about her. Julia reflects on having a child that wouldn’t sleep, being exhausted, asking for help and subsequently going into a mum and baby unit and feeling like a fraud. The start was hard and Julia reflects back on this time.Julia runs an amazing children’s boutique in Essendon and online store Chocolate Freckles.For more see our facebook community page The Modern Doula@Vanessa.salerno_doula@Themoderndoula_podcastProudly brought to you by @Chemistwarehouseaus
  • 6. Bonus ep: Birth Preparation

    18:22||Season 1, Ep. 6
    "Birth happens between your ears before anywhere else" is one thing I always talk about with my birthing clients.Everyone pictures their birth experience and each one looks completely different to the other. You have an expectation of what your birth will look like and this is why I don’t necessarily believe in birth plans because plans can change but let’s explore birth preparation so you can make an empowered decision. Education is key when it comes to your birth and postnatal experience. Knowledge is power. We also chat with Victoria Schena and Tully Humphrey who are both currently pregnant. This quick chat we talk about other peoples opinions, their own empowered decisions and their individual pregnancies, which are both very different, hence why we say no two pregnancies are the same and no two births are the same. For more see our facebook community page The Modern Doula@Vanessa.salerno_doula@Themoderndoula_podcastProudly brought to you by @Chemistwarehouseaus