
Should I Delete That?
What is an Almond Mom?
A term made famous by Yolanda Hadid, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star and mother to supermodels Bella and Gigi Hadid, “Almond Mom” refers to the type of mother who sets their child up to be obsessed with food and their bodies in ways that are both toxic and harmful.
In this, the second episode of our Body Image series, we explore generational trauma in the context of diet culture, and take a deeper look at the wounds passed down from our grandmothers, to our mothers and in turn - to us. Many millennials feel very passionately that they want to be the ones to break this cycle, that we don’t want our kids to watch us starting a new diet every Monday, or never wearing a swimming costume or eating a biscuit without first apologising for it, and as relatively new mothers ourselves, this is something we feel deeply passionate about.
Thanks so much to our amazing guests who feature on this episode: Phillippa Diedrichs, Molly Forbes, Beth and Bev.
Molly’s books Every Body and Body Happy Kids are available now - get your copies here!
You can find The Body Happy Organisation’s free resources here:
Read more about Phillippa’s work at
Follow @mollyjforbes on Instagram
Follow @bodyhappyorg on Instagram
Follow @phillippa.diedrichs on Instagram
If you would like to get in touch - you can email us on
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Just Us: Do you want to see my bum?
39:11|Welcome to the new format of our Thursday episodes - this is where everything with Just Us will live: GBA, Is It Just Me and all our general nonsense! And - boy - we have got a lot of nonsense for you today! Al’s bads are BAD today. We find out about her very bad week - and we’re even treated to a little bit of nudity. Lucky Dex! We also discuss a mega star who gave us a ‘polite decline’ - then we catch ourselves being potentially a tiny bit problematic. Do you want to weigh in on whether it’s okay for us to objectify men? It is different when men and women do it? Email us on shouldideletethat@gmail.comWe love you! Follow us on Instagram:@shouldideletethat@em_clarkson@alexlight_ldnShould I Delete That is produced by Faye LawrenceStudio Manager: Dex RoyVideo Editor: Celia GomezSocial Media Manager: Emma-Kirsty FraserMusic: Alex Andrew166. Em’s back! A catch up about life with Xanthe
46:04||Ep. 166She’s BACK! And we have a very special guest in the studio… Join Em and Al for a big old catch up after Em has been on maternity leave. We find out about all about Xanthe’s arrival into the world - she’s a total ray of sunshine! We also find out how Em’s feeling now she’s no longer unwell… And take a deep breath - because we have a little format update for you - we PROMISE this is the last time we’re moving things around and we promise you’re going to love it. Do you have an Is It Just Me for us? Is there someone you really want us to interview? Do you have an idea for Em's 30,000 exercise challenge? Email us on!Follow us on Instagram:@shouldideletethat@em_clarkson@alexlight_ldnShould I Delete That is produced by Faye LawrenceStudio Manager: Dex RoyVideo Editor: Celia GomezSocial Media Manager: Emma-Kirsty FraserMusic: Alex AndrewIt's feedback time... *brace position*
27:37|It’s time to dive into the mailbag!Our amazing community sent in so many brilliant messages and emails in response to our body image series - so we thought it was important to take some time to acknowledge your thoughts and feedback - both the positive and the negative. Em’s still officially on maternity leave until next week - so we’ve drafted in a VERY eager substitute - it’s Sister Jen!We always love hearing from you - whether you want to challenge us or praise us, it’s so important for us to hear it. You can email us on !Follow us on Instagram:@shouldideletethat@em_clarkson@alexlight_ldnShould I Delete That is produced by Faye LawrenceMusic: Dex RoyStudio Manager: Dex RoyVideo Editor: Celia GomezSocial Media Manager: Emma-Kirsty Fraser165. Influencers on Ozempic: Sasha Pallari’s experience on Mounjaro
47:01||Ep. 165We’re talking Ozempic, again. Our deep dive into body image may have wrapped up last week, but we all know this topic is far from over. So, we’re jumping back in…This time, we’re joined by influencer and longtime friend of the podcast, Sasha Pallari. After hearing our Ozempic episode, she reached out to share her own experience with Mounjaro — a journey she’s been candid about online over the past four months. In this conversation, Sasha opens up about why she chose to take the drug, how its impact goes beyond just weight loss, and where she sees potential dangers. Sasha offers us her unique perspective on the drug - how it has changed her life and why she has chosen to be so open and honest about it online. Follow @sashapallari on Instagram You can listen to Sasha’s podcast Spill which she co-hosts with Billie Bhatia wherever you get your podcasts!Watch Sasha’s YouTube video “OZEMPIC: has this weightloss trend gone too far?” hereIf you would like to get in touch - you can email us on shouldideletethatpod@gmail.comFollow us on Instagram:@shouldideletethat@em_clarkson@alexlight_ldnShould I Delete That is produced by Faye LawrenceMusic: Dex RoyStudio Manager: Dex RoyVideo Editor: Celia GomezSocial Media Manager: Emma-Kirsty Fraser"I made the wrong choices": Alice Liveing and the 'wellness' lie
47:42|Throughout our body image series - we’ve had so many powerful, inspiring and life-affirming conversations with people who have incredible advice on how we can build better relationships with our bodies. One of those people is Alice Liveing. Alice is a personal trainer, influencer, columnist, podcaster and bestselling author who has inspired thousands of people with her relatable, motivational and balanced health advice. In this conversation, we take a look back to the 2010s - when she inadvertently became the poster girl for so-called “clean eating”. We found out how Alice found herself in that situation and what led her to move away from it to build a healthy relationship with her body image. If you want to hear our full investigation of wellness - you can listen to our episode ‘The “Wellness” Rebrand’ which is available now. Follow @aliceliveing on Instagram You can buy your copy of Alice’s book Give Me Strength hereIf you would like to get in touch - you can email us on shouldideletethatpod@gmail.comFollow us on Instagram:@shouldideletethat@em_clarkson@alexlight_ldnShould I Delete That is produced by Faye LawrenceMusic: Dex RoyStudio Manager: Dex RoyTrailers: Sophie RichardsonVideo Editor: Celia GomezSocial Media Manager: Emma-Kirsty Fraser164. What if we stopped hating our bodies?
51:13||Ep. 164We’ve downed tools - because it’s time to reflect on everything that we’ve learned and felt throughout our big body image series. Join Em and Al to discuss what we’ve learned through this series - from the history of diet culture to the way the diet landscape is shifting and morphing in front of our eyes. We chat about where we’re at with our own body image journeys, how we’re going to move forward from this series, and how we might be able to - as a society - fix our relationships with our bodies. Thank you to our brilliant listeners who sent us their voice notes for this episode - we couldn't feature all of them in this episode but we loved listening to them all. A special thanks to: Sophie, Jessica, Marsy, Hannah, Riss, Aimee, Eimear and Catherine from the IVF BFF PodcastIf you want to dig further into diet culture, self-acceptance and making peace with your body - Alex’s book You Are Not A Before Picture is available now. You can buy your copy here!If you would like to get in touch - you can email us on shouldideletethatpod@gmail.comFollow us on Instagram:@shouldideletethat@em_clarkson@alexlight_ldnShould I Delete That is produced by Faye LawrenceMusic: Dex RoyStudio Manager: Dex RoyTrailers: Sophie RichardsonVideo Editor: Celia GomezSocial Media Manager: Emma-Kirsty FraserOzempic: miracle or myth? ... with Dr Giles Yeo
01:02:10|It’s time to address the elephant in the room - Ozempic. We know that Ozempic will change - and is already changing - the body image landscape. There is so much noise online, in the media and in our personal lives about the so called ‘miracle’ drug - so we decided to call in the help of an expert, to clear up the myths from the facts. Dr Giles Yeo is a professor at the University of Cambridge, whose research focuses on food intake, genetics and obesity. We got him in the studio to answer all the questions we had about Ozempic - to help us understand the science behind the drug that everyone is talking about. You can buy Giles’ latest book Why Calories Don’t Count hereFollow @gilesyeo on Instagram If you would like to get in touch - you can email us on shouldideletethatpod@gmail.comFollow us on Instagram:@shouldideletethat@em_clarkson@alexlight_ldnShould I Delete That is produced by Faye LawrenceMusic: Dex RoyStudio Manager: Dex RoyTrailers: Sophie RichardsonVideo Editor: Celia GomezSocial Media Manager: Emma-Kirsty Fraser163. Ozempic: the truth behind the weight loss revolution
01:35:37||Ep. 163The body image landscape is changing in front of our eyes - and we have Ozempic to blame - or thank - for that. For the last few years - Ozempic has been the topic that has dominated the cultural conversation. Is it the silver bullet to help us with our body image or are pharmaceutical companies taking advantage of our collective desire to be thin? In this episode we speak to a doctor who is an expert on Ozempic, a psychologist and someone who has taken the drug to dig right to the core of this thorny, controversial topic.Is Ozempic a miracle or is it causing more damage than it’s worth? We don’t know where it’s going to end - but we know for certain that this isn’t the last we’ll hear of the drug.Thank you to our amazing guests who feature in this episode: Dr Giles Yeo, Daniel Cooper and Phillippa DiedrichsYou can buy Giles’ latest book Why Calories Don’t Count hereFollow @gilesyeo on Instagram Follow @phillippa.diedrichs on InstagramRead more about Phillippa’s work at Follow Dan on BlueskyFollow @danielwcooper on InstagramYou can read Dan's article 'Wegovy helped me lose three stone in three months - and ruined my life' hereIf you would like to get in touch - you can email us on shouldideletethatpod@gmail.comFollow us on Instagram:@shouldideletethat@em_clarkson@alexlight_ldnShould I Delete That is produced by Faye LawrenceMusic: Dex RoyStudio Manager: Dex RoyTrailers: Sophie RichardsonVideo Editor: Celia GomezSocial Media Manager: Emma-Kirsty FraserGrowing up in a world that hates your body… with Stephanie Yeboah
40:30|After growing up in a world that teaches us to hate our bodies - how can we come to feel at peace with, or even begin to feel positive about our bodies? And what happens when the movement that made you feel better about your body shifts to a position you no longer align with? Stephanie Yeboah is a content creator, author and journalist - and we spoke to her as part of our exploration of the body positivity movement. It was a movement that she was closely associated with, but one that she has moved away from in recent years. In this extended edition of our conversation we find out why - and how we can move forward in dismantling fatphobia as a society.Follow @stephanieyeboah on InstagramPre-order Stephanie’s book Chaotic Energy: The hilarious, heartfelt, must-read romantic comedy now! If you would like to get in touch - you can email us on shouldideletethatpod@gmail.comFollow us on Instagram:@shouldideletethat@em_clarkson@alexlight_ldnShould I Delete That is produced by Faye LawrenceMusic: Dex RoyStudio Manager: Dex RoyTrailers: Sophie RichardsonVideo Editor: Celia GomezSocial Media Manager: Emma-Kirsty Fraser