
Understanding Society Podcast Series
Who carried the work burden during COVID-19?
Season 3, Ep. 1
In the first episode of our new podcast series, we look at employment and the experience of working-class women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Series host Catherine McDonald speaks to Professors Tracey Warren from Nottingham University Business School and Clare Lyonette from Warwick Institute for Employment about their project Carrying the Work Burden of the COVID-19 pandemic: working class women in the UK. Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson, Director of the Women’s Budget Group and co-collaborator on the project also joins to explain the motivation for the research and the ways in which their findings are serving as vital evidence in the case of building back better with increased gender equality.
The research project’s website can be found here.
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7. Arts and wellbeing
34:10||Season 7, Ep. 7What is the relationship between the arts and our mental health? Are they good for our mental health, or are happier people more likely to engage in the arts? The guests for this episode are Hei Wan (Karen) Mak, a senior research fellow in epidemiology and statistics at UCL and Nicky Goulder, CEO of Create, which puts on creative workshops in schools, day centres, prisons, and hospitals.5. Education and gender roles
34:23||Season 7, Ep. 5Do education levels affect gender roles in UK households? Do men with degrees do more childcare and housework? With guests: Barbara Okun, Professor of Demography in the Sociology Department and Demography Division at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Dr Sara Reis, Deputy Director and Head of Research and Policy at feminist economics think tank the Women’s Budget Group.4. Our future care needs
22:50||Season 7, Ep. 4In our first episode of 2025, we look at the future care needs of an aging population in the UK, with Taha Bokhari and Abby Jitendra from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, who have written a report about what our ageing population means for care, work, our benefits system and our communities.3. Job mobility and the gender pay gap
29:26||Season 7, Ep. 3In this episode, we discuss the effects of parenthood on job mobility and what this means for the gender pay gap with Dr. Silvia Avram, a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex, and Alesha De Freitas, Head of Policy, Research and Advocacy (at time of recording) at the Fawcett Society.2. Being part of Understanding Society
13:35||Season 7, Ep. 2In this episode, one of our participants, Neil, talks about what it’s been like to be part of Understanding Society right from the beginning. What does it mean for him, and what changes has he seen in life and society since joining our predecessor, the British Household Panel Survey, in 1991?1. Muslims, Covid, and mental health
29:33||Season 7, Ep. 1In the first episode of a new series of Insights, Chris Coates discusses changes in the mental health of Muslims in the UK during the pandemic with Miqdad Asaria, Assistant Professor of Health Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science, who has researched this, and Maaria Mahmood, Director of the Muslim Youth Helpline.3. Survey response rates during Covid
13:33||Season 6, Ep. 3In this episode, we’re looking at methodology. Pablo Cabrera Alvarez, a Senior Research Officer at the Institute for Social and Economic Research, talks about survey response rates and what happened to Understanding Society during the Covid pandemic, when interviewers couldn’t get to see participants face to face.2. Housing and ageing
09:49||Season 6, Ep. 2In a new episode of our quick-listen one-to-one podcasts, Dr Amy Clair from the Australian Centre for Housing Research talks to Chris Coates from Understanding Society about research which suggests that private renting can age you faster than being unemployed or smoking.1. Pregnancy and early childhood data
11:15||Season 6, Ep. 1In a new episode of our one-to-one podcasts, Edith Aguirre, a senior research officer at the Institute for Social and Economic Research, talks to host Chris Coates about Understanding Society’s ‘PEACH’ file. This brings our data on children under 10 together with data on pregnancy and child development, to help researchers study family dynamics.