Gluten Free News
Race From Gluten 5K
Season 1, Ep. 521
Race Against Gluten is a Virtual 5K is to support the Celiac Program at Seattle Children’s which aims to build community, raise awareness, and act as a resource for families and medical practitioners.
Walk, run or stroll - get moving to support Celiac!
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Walk, run or stroll - get moving to support Celiac!
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1168. Facebook Fallacy Friday: How Young Can You Test For Celiac
02:55||Season 1, Ep. 1168Floating around on Facebook: children under a certain age can't be tested for Celiac.According to the University of Maryland Celiac Center:You are never too young or too old to be diagnosed. Celiac patients range in age from babies under a year to seniors in their 90’s. As long as you are consuming gluten, you can be tested.Read more recommendations from the Celiac Center doctors here: It's the Tenth Anniversary of the Celiac Project Podcast
02:28||Season 1, Ep. 1167On today's Celiac Project Podcast:Mike and Cam kick off this very special New Year's show celebrating The Celiac Project Podcast's 10th birthday! They use the occasion to hit the rewind button, highlighting some of the most definitive moments of the podcast throughout the years. With so many great shows to choose from, they made it a two part celebration!Listen to the full episode here: The Connection Between Gerd and Celiac
04:39||Season 1, Ep. 1166Celiac disease and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are two distinct conditions that affect different areas of the digestive system. However, recent research suggests there may be a link between them.Read more here: Facebook Fallacy Friday: No Annual Testing Needed
02:14||Season 1, Ep. 1165Is Annual Celiac testing necessary when all seems to be going well? In a word, yes! Find out why and the tests that should be run annually.Find out what tests should be run annually here: My Favorite Butternut Squash Soup Recipe
02:29||Season 1, Ep. 1164Cold weather and soup are synonymous in my mind. Nothing is more comforting then a warming bowl of goodness – except one that’s easy to prepare, nutritious and versatile. This Butternut Squash recipe is it. Make it vegan by using vegetable stock and now it’s a plant-based powerhouse.This Butternut Squash soup has a mousse-like consistency that almost addicting. To add even more staying power, I serve it over quinoa. Let me know if try it and any modifications/additions you make! enjoy this discount code on nutpods, my secret ingredient in cooking, baking and hot drinks: My Three Wishes for 2025
03:40||Season 1, Ep. 1163Happy New Year!Here are my three wishes for the gluten free community in 2025. What are yours'?1162. Calling Gluten Free College Students (and recents grads)
03:35||Season 1, Ep. 1162Is your gluten free college student home for Winter Break? They could win an assortment of gluten free and top 9 allergen-free bagels and pretzels from The Greater Knead!Students with dietary restrictions can be automatically entered to win by completing the anonymous Gluten Free Friends College Dining Survey during December.The winner will be notified by DM and then must reply promptly with their shipping address. The prize will ship directly from The Greater Knead.The giveaway ends 12/31/24 at 11:59 pm EST.Complete a survey here: Gluten Free Friends College Dining Survey-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1169. Last Minute DIY Holiday Gifts
02:57||Season 1, Ep. 1169If you need some last minute, DIY gifts for people (gluten free or not), GF Jules is here to help!From cookie mixes in a jar to infused olive oil and vanilla, she's got great ideas for anyone still on your list.\Get inspired here: